Project description

The general objective of the project was to strengthen the general organisation of farmers and producers’ associations (POs), in order to significantly contribute to food security and poverty alleviation, as well as to the reinforcement of the civil society in Guinea and in particular i) Capacity building of the umbrella structure of the CNOP-G (National Confederation of farmers’ Organizations of Guinea); ii) Development of economic services for the benefit of members; iii) Contribution of PO regional delegations to the strengthening of the local development process initiated in the context of decentralisation and devolution of State services.

Services provided

As part of this mission, CA 17 International has mobilised three experts: A Team Leader, Rural development and farmers association specialist, an Agricultural economist, specialised in technical and financial services for Pos and a Rural sociologist, specialist in Animation and Strategic Planning. The team carried out the technical evaluation of the activities, results and effects of the PACNOP, the assessment of the institutional set-up of the intervention strategy, the organisational analysis of the CNOP-G and the relations between the CNOP-G and other actors in the agricultural sector. Finally, the study resulted in the proposal of appropriate measures and recommendations to guide the further development of the project in its institutional and operational strengthening aspects at regional and national level and the analysis and justification of the relevance of a project extension.

Project page

  • Continent


  • Country


  • Sector of activity


  • Time period

    April to May 2010

  • Men - months

    3,5 M-M

  • Customer

    European Union

  • Donors

    European Union

  • Budget

    0 à 500 000€