Project description

The goal of the Project for the development of exports and agro-sylvo-pastoral markets (PRODEX) was to promote the use of the Supply Chain/Value Chain approach (“Supply Chain”) by the Sector Ministries, the Operations Departments, MFIs, NGOs and the private sector to improve the competitiveness of the targeted sectors (Onion, Niébé, Cattle, Meat, leather and Skins) and operators’ access to basic financial services with a view to improving food security.
Following the first phase of PRODEX implementation (2011 – 2014), the additional phase (2015 – 2017) (additional funding from the World Bank of USD 13.8 million) aimed to reinforce the achievements of the first phase, hence the strengthening of the weak links on valuation, access to bank financing and the establishment of a management system for start-ups in the rural sector benefiting from the financing of a “sub-project”.

Services provided

CA 17 International implements the Enforcement Agency (AGEX) for the implementation of the Onion, Niébé, Cattle/ Meat/ leather and Skins (BVCP) sector, Sesame, tigernut and Gum Arabic in the regions of Tillabéri, Niamey, Tahoua and Agadez in Niger. AGEX-CA 17 will thus support the Inter-profession’s operationalisation in the three priority sectors, mainly through the strengthening of the Inter-Professional Organisations and the Regional Inter-professional Consultation Committees of the various colleges (producers, processors and service providers) of the streams. It provided, in two years of intervention, support and trained more than 2,500 members of the 3 NPs. In addition, AGEX also strengthened 400 agro-entrepreneurs in the management of their micro-enterprises and supported the financing, effective management and formalisation of more than 200 micro-development sub-projects enterprises in its four intervention regions and 20 structuring SMEs for the sector.

Thus, this support improved the competitiveness of the Onions, Niébé and BVCP sectors and the volume of products exported.

Project page

  • Continent


  • Country


  • Sector of activity


  • Time period

    March 2011 to January 2014 and November 2015 to June 2017

  • Men - months

    445,59 M-M

  • Customer

    Project for the development of exports and agro-sylvo-pastoral markets (PRODEX)

  • Donors

    World Bank

  • Budget

    1 000 001 à 2 000 000€